Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Outlining Outliers

My homie Nelson (Big Like Giants, Thinkwell) put me on to this as he does most new ingenious things. Malcom Gladwell's new book Outliers. If your not familiar with Gladwell's work you should check out The Tipping Point, and Blink they will explain his ingenuity. If I can ever bring myself to writing something longer than a blog post, I hope I write for the reasons Gladwell does. He says he get's obsessed with these topics and in doing so can't stop learning about them - then out comes these amazing little thesis on whatever topics he's obsessed about. Did I say ingenious already. Check it out.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

808's and Heartbreaks

Break ups suck. Getting over your X is for the birds. Life goes on. Right? Word. Jump over to the freshandproper blog. I miss the road already. For real!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Election Day from Jamar Eaton on Vimeo.

Hot off the Press: Hillary Clinton possibly for Seceretary of State!!!

This could be interesting. After such a long insidious primary process this is a very interesting move by the Obama camp to let such a leak reach the press. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What I'm Reading Right Now

It's been a long week, i'm tired as shit. A few more days of work then i'm off for a special little trip that I will fill in on more detail tomorrow. Until then - these are a few things I've been reading lately:

The Economist - A mix of business and politics, its a good read every now and then to catch up on current affairs. Obviously this issue was a must.

Walden - Henry David Thoreau was an American philosopher who believed in minimalism to the fullest. Shortly after graduating from college at Harvard he wrote this book. I've just started it and so far its been a great read. Thoreau has amazing perspective, that's relevant even today.

Machiavelli - Like most of you, all I knew of this name in high school was 2 Pac's last CD before he passed away. Machiavelli just happened to be an amazing political mind and philosopher. Just picked this up as well, looking forward to seeing what he has to talk about.

Buying In - This is a great branding/marketing disposition by Rob Walker of Murketing, Rob also has a column in the New York Times magazine every week that is definitely worth reading. He gives great insight into the reach of marketing and how it reflects with modern day consumers. A good read if your into branding, marketing and how they both reflect in current consumer culture.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Amazing Coverage from the Trib.

The Chicago Tribune put together this little time lapse footage of last nights festivities. It was truly amazing to be apart of. If you are one of the many that weren't able to get a hold of the paper today click here, to order back issues online from the Tribune. And as for the New York Times - call 1(800) 543 5380, wait for about 30 minutes and you'll be able to purchase as many as 5 over the phone. Both options are definitely worth it to own a piece of history.

Do The Right Thing.

Obama's Campaign Manager

Over at the Fre$h & Proper blog on Friday July 7th, 2007. I wrote about David Plouffe and company. He quite possibly might be one of the greatest political minds of our time. Thank you Mr. Plouffe for making me right! Check it out...

I have a dream too.

I don't know if Dr. King's dream played out exactly like this in his head, but its amazing to be apart of a movement that he started. As I woke up this morning, I still can't believe it. Democracy by chance actually does work and its amazing to be living in Chicago at such a great time of change. Obama says so many amazing things in his acceptance speech, it's good to listen to again as this is his mission statement of sorts for what will be one of the most interesting Presidencies in the history of this country. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Defining Moments

Barack Hussein Obama, Presidential-Elect. Congratulations, you have redefined what it is to be American, you have redefined the political playing field and it was a joy to watch. This is just the beginning, a long road ahead. But I'm definitely looking forward to it. Somewhere I have to imagine Dr. King and the rest of those whom sacrificed their life for this moment are smiling. Cheers indeed.

Jamar Eaton

Monday, November 3, 2008

Meet Me At The Mountain Top

The day has finally come. Some of us thought we might not ever get here. I listen to this speech from Dr. King Jr. from time to time, for inspiration, for remembrance and sometimes for the relevance that it cast on America's current affairs. Specifically the quote "the world is all messed up, the nation is sick." Perhaps somethings never change, as we have rolled through financial turmoil, war and the "old crony" Presidency in the last eight years. These affairs always seem to weigh heavy on the conscious of this country. Dr. King's civil rights movement does not even compare to the common struggle of many individuals currently however his plight for change is more relevant than ever.

As the world waits for history to make its self once again, I can think of no better words to turn to than these. The dream of Dr. King was not only his dream, not only the dream of African American's throughout the nation, but a fight for equality on many different fronts including the economic front for all races. Obama's ideology of change not only shares in that dream it builds upon it.

From the first sign of Obama running for President, through the primaries, and even now as the final day has approached us. I had a feeling Barack had a chance, primarily because of the team he had around him. People from outside the Washington "machine" with amazing understanding of media, especially the internet. How his oratory ability was such a grave contrast of President Bush in the fact that he actually knew how to speak to people. Last but not least after what we've gone through over the last eight years, he embodies what I think the future generations want out of their President. Multicultural, in touch with what's going on in the world from pop culture to political culture, from the ground up, from the top down. You can't help but take from Dr. King's vision, and in his closing words "We have some difficult days ahead, but it don't matter now because I have been to the mountain top...I might not get there with you but we as a people will get to the promise land!"

He might not be here with us, but his dream lives on. Barack Obama for President 08'. Economist's It's Time.

Listen to Dr. King's speech. Here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My First 30 Miles

(The route via car - just as an idea for distance)

Jumped on the Bianchi today for a nice little Sunday ride, figured I would enjoy the amazing November weather - when's the last time it was 70 in November? Not really having a route planned, I just went with the flow. Started riding north from Logan Square ended up on Damen headed north, and just kept going. It was one of those, I wonder what's just passed the light, or I wonder what's up there, next thing you know I'm rolling into Evanston 15 miles later. This was my first ride like this, i'm normally not a distance rider - but have recently wanted to push myself to see how far I could go. Riding fixed makes things a little bit more interesting, I mean you can't stop peddling and there's no shifting gears to adjust with the terrain.

I stopped at the Barnes and Noble in Evanston to make a couple pick ups - you know The Economist, and a copy of The Prince by Machiavelli suggested by my roommate Nelson. Between leaving B & N, and trying to find my back I stopped at Turin, a bike shop in Evanston that happens to be a Bianchi dealer. Picked up the Bianchi 09 catalog, and a energy bar. They had a dope Pista Concept hanging in the window! Maybe a sign of things to come.

A little winded on the way back, I kind of had to retrace my steps, strolling through many a Chicago north side neighborhoods. Pushing into a head wind it wasn't easy, I had to work a little to find rhythm, and fight off the burn. Yet I will say it's amazing how much character this city has, something about that area just north reminds me of home back in Lansing, Mi. Crazy enough it ended up being one of the best rides I've ever experienced. There's nothing like a little adventure in the city, especially when you make some good literary pick ups and get to ride with a light jacket on in November! I was a little hurt I didn't bring my camera as it was a perfect day to shoot.

A little inspiration...

Before my Sunday ride...

Empire from Empire on Vimeo.

NYBD - TKYO from Eli Tokyo Jitensha-Jin on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 1, 2008